Open Access BASE2008

Lietuvos savivaldybių asociacijos teisinės padėties pagrindai ir jų praktiniai bei lyginamieji aspektai ; Lithuania association of local authorities juridical condition fundamentals and its practical and comparative aspects


In this master study "Lithuania association of local authorities juridical condition fundamentals and its practical and comparative aspects" student presents a phenomenon of establishment of Lithuania municipality association (LMA), accredited law acts and an activity of LMA administration. So far there are no published any researching material about LMA structure. More information may be found on a weekly magazine "Savivaldybių žinios" which presents more news and problems of municipalities. Therefore this study is the first step in researching interesting and active LMA activity. Study authoress reviews historical facts of LMA establishment, compares the activity of similar associations abroad. Moreover authoress presents lawsuits that became precedents in juridical practice which are related with municipalities or LMA. Special status worth LMA is established not according to legislation of associations, but according to legislation of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania "Due to the main rules of municipalities association" (1995.03.28 No. I-833). Such attitude of the authorities strengthened representation of local self-government in region and central policy. A huge support was granted to LMA from Europe local and region authority congress in Strasbourg in 2001 may 31. References of Strasbourg congress sustained local government institutions that full and exclusive authority must be given and this authority cannot be canceled or limited by central or region government institutions (validated Europe local authority charter). All these facts allows to conclude that establishment of LMA was necessary in strengthening the performance of local authority, also in strengthening equal relationships, representation and contribution to Lithuania central government which not always legally protected and defended local authority.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vilnius University

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