Open Access BASE2012

Universitetinių studijų kokybės tobulinimas ; Improving quality in University studies


In this Master's thesis, the analysis of theoretical aspects of higher education quality was carried out, and revealed the complexity of polysemy of it, which is the main problem to perform assessment of higher education quality. The case of present Lithuania's situation was discussed, it was talked about quality assessment dimensions and the legislative basis, that can ensure good quality of higher education in Lithuania. It was also examined the Bologna process, which is seen as a driving force to achieve quality and excellent esults in higher education. And the experience of leading universities was carried out too. Subject of the research: Lithuanian university studies an their development. The aim of the work: set Lithuanian higher education quality and topical aspects of development directions based on European Union's proposals for improvement of university education, according to gradutes experience applying academic knowledge in their work. Objectives of the work: 1. Examine scientific literature about education quality improvement issues. 2. Carry out the laws relating with quality of higher education. 3. Examine university education quality assessment indicators. 4. Discuss about Lithuanian university study quality. 5. Creat a research instrument and a group interview with different graduates from different universities who are working their actual speciality. 6. To formulate conclusions and proposals for the development of Lithuanian higher education quality. Research methods: when carrying out the research, a qualitative method – group interview was applied and performed a content analysis. The study identifies major reasons determining low quality of university studies: weak resources (financial, human, infrastructure), rarely renewed curriculum, small application in practice.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences

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