Open Access BASE2013

Lietuvos ir ES ekonomikos strateginių nuostatų sąsajos su nacionalinėmis socialinėmis ekonomikos tendencijomis ; The links between national social economic trends and strategic statements of Lithuanian and EU political documents


The links between national social economics trends and strategic statements of EU and Lithuanian political documents are analyzed in the master thesis work. In the first part of the work, the basics of the role of the State in economics are analyzed considering Lithuania to be a transitional economics. In second part of the master thesis work, the methodic of strategic economic planning is analyzed, the model of the research is constructed and the scenarios method is selected to do empirical research in the third part. In the third part, the results of long term economic strategy till 2015 are investigated and the real socio economic situation is evaluated. The strategic goals of Europa 2020 strategy are identified and its fitness to national socio economic trends is characterized. The logics and realism of set goals are evaluated considering hypothetical picture of Lithuania in 2020. In the fourth part of the master thesis work, the conclusion is drawn and recommendations for forward economic policy are suggested.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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