Open Access BASE2015

Fribūro lietuvių studentų draugija "Rūta" ; Lithuanian student society "Rūta" in Fribourg


In the late 19th-early 20th century mostly Lithuanian clerical students would attend the Catholic University of Fribourg as it offered the possibility to study under a pseudonym. This was convenient for the clergy, as officially the authorities of the Russian Empire did not allow clergymen to study in universities abroad. Initially, Lithuanian students joined Polish student societies. However, after a few disagreements and discrepancies, Lithuanians established their own society, which they called "Rūta" (Rue). After being renamed to "Lituania" in 1915, the society was in existence until 1934. The article dwells on the initial stages of the society's activities which cover the period until 1907, or the so-called chronicle period, the name of which comes from the chronicle of the "Rūta" society written by the students themselves. When writing the chronicle the students not only attempted to show the internal life of the so- 508 ciety, but also discussed various aspects of Lithuania's public life. One of the most interesting moments recorded in the chronicle is the students' attitude towards the relationship between Poland and Lithuania and their attempts to establish relations with Polish political activists in emigration. They regarded Lithuanians and Poles as inseparable nations, united by common history. Another interesting aspect is the attitude of the Lithuanian students of the University of Fribourg towards independence related issues. Members of the "Rūta" society had no thoughts with regard to political independence of the country as they considered the nation's cultural work to be most significant.

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