Open Access BASE2012

Žemdirbių gamintojų grupės – gerosios patirties perėmimo galimybės ; Agricultural producers group – assimilation of the best experience


Agricultural co-operation creates opportunities to strengthen their market position, the movement to a higher chain of added value, take the advantage of the common agricultural policy support measures. Development of co-operation in Lithuania is not sufficient enough. One way to improve the situation in this area is to support establishment of producer groups. The aim of the study – according to the analysis of the neighbouring countries (Latvia and Poland) experience in the development of farmers and producer groups in organizing their activities, identify the best examples of successful opportunities. Economic literature and legal documentation on agricultural production regulation and farmers' cooperated activity was analyzed. In addition, the study also included the semi-standardized interviews with the fruit and vegetable producer groups, managers and consultants. It was found that farmers in Poland and Latvia are more active in binding to the producer groups than in Lithuania, they better use the advantages of EU and national support.

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