Open Access BASE2009

Lithuanian egovernment interoperability model ; Lietuvos e. valdžios suderinamumo strateginis modelis


Interoperability issues are widely discussed not only within business community, but more constantly between public administration representatives. An eGovernment Interoperability Framework (eGIF) is one way to achieve eGovernment interoperability. An eGIF is a set of standards and guidelines that a government uses to specify the preferred way that its agencies, citizens and partners interact with each other. eGIF includes: ". the basic technical specifications that all agencies relevant to the eGovernment strategy implementation should adopt". eGovernment Interoperability Frameworks appear as the governmental policy cornerstones for deploying joined-up information systems and providing one-stop services to citizens and businesses. Lack of interoperability is due to a number of factors. It may be due to policy reasons. Privacy, particularly as it relates to personal health information and national security, are good examples.

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