Open Access BASE2018

Organinių ir mineralinių trąšų poveikis kukurūzų mitybai azotu vandens ir žemos temperatūros stresų sąlygomis nemoralinėje klimato zonoje ; The Effects of Organic and Mineral Fertilisers on Maize N Status Under Water and Cold Stress Conditions in a Nemoral Climate


Maize (Zea mays L.), one of the three most cultivate crops in the world, is an important source of food, feed, fuel and fibre (Tenaillon and Charcosset 2011). In the European Union (EU-28), grain maize production accounts for 20.8% of the total cereal production (FAOSTAT 2016), and until 2026, a further expansion of the maize cultivation area of around 8% is expected.In the Nordic-Baltic countries, successful maize forage production is possible at a latitude of at least 58°N; however, currently, only a minor proportion of maize is harvested as grain in Denmark, Lithuania and Sweden (Swensson 2014). Despite the rapid maize expansion in northern Europe, the short growing seasons, the occurrence of late/early frosts, the rain quantity, which usually does not match with the highest water demand during the growing period, and the incidence of drought are considered to be the primary factors still limiting maize expansion in northern regions (Olesen et al. 2011).


Lithuanian, English


Institutional Repository of Aleksandras Stulginskis University

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