Open Access BASE2008

Valstybinio sektoriaus skolinimosi poreikio interpretavimas ir nustatymas Lietuvoje ; The borrowing demand with its interpretation and evaluation of governmental sector in Lithuania


The state finances is the system of the economical fiscal relationships that emerge when the state accumulates, allocates and uses the financial means it needs. The financial system of the developed states covers the governments and local authorities' budgets, the finances of public enterprises and the state specialized funds. The state financial system provides the means (mainly from taxes, state credits, securities emissions, etc) for covering the growing expenses in the military, social, cultural spheres, in management and railway building, etc and for, obviously, covering the national debt. As expenses exceed income, the state is usually forced to cover this difference by borrowed means. Due to the borrowing of this kind, the loans and other financial duties carried in the name of the state create the ground for the national debt.

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