Open Access BASE2010

Vaiko teisių apsaugos sistemos valdymo prioritetai: teisinės bazės ir savivaldybių ekspertų nuostatų analizė ; Priorities of management of children's rights protection system: analysis of legal basis and attitudes of municipality experts


The relevance of the research. The paper analyses the situation in the children's rights protection system in Lithuania and substantiates the priorities of strategic management of this system. According to the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 3.4 thousand children who have suffered from criminal actions were registered in 2008. About 2% of Lithuanian children are raised in care institutions, another 4% are brought up in social risk families. According to the data provided by the Department of statistics, at the end of 2009 there were 11,121 social risk families in Lithuania, with 24,222 children raised in them. Every year a few thousand children are deprived of their parents' care, but only an insignificant part of them are real orphans. Lithuania is among the European Union leaders in terms of the numbers of children being raised in state institutions. [.]

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