Open Access BASE2021

Klaipėdos apskrities savivaldybių administracijos antikorupcinio programavimo patirtis ir iššūkiai: lyginamoji analizė ; Experiences and challenges of anti-corruption programming in Klaipėda county municipal administration: comparative analysis


The aim of the thesis is to reveal the aspects of developing and implementing anti-corruption programming in the context of local self-government. After reviewing the scientific literature, it can be stated that anti-corruption programming in the activities of local self-government is relevant, as it is a complex corruption prevention measure aimed at combating corruption in a targeted and coordinated manner by ensuring the provisions of legal acts and providing a clear procedure for the implementation of the goals, objectives and measures; however, there is a lack of systematic, objective and comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of anti-corruption programmes and research in the scientific discourse. The analysis of the implementation of anti-corruption programmes in Lithuanian municipalities has shown that municipalities lack a broader and comprehensive approach to the development and implementation of corruption prevention programmes - often the programmes are developed declaratively, according to templates, without paying more attention to the analysis of the existing situation, the envisaged measures are applied in a rather fragmented, unsystematic and superficial manner, and the objectives and their evaluation criteria set forth are not always clear and difficult to assess. The qualitative research carried out helped to determine the experience of anti-corruption programming and to identify the main problems in the municipalities of Klaipėda City, Klaipeda Disrict and Kretinga District. During the structured interviews it was found that the municipalities face different problems - in Klaipėda City Municipality the problems perceived by the informants relate more to the methodological and value aspects of the preparation, in Klaipėda District the informants believe that there is a lack of financial and human resources and that the public does not believe in the effectiveness of the programme, while in Kretinga District Municipality the problems of responsibility for the preparation of the programmes and the lack of activity on the part of the public and politicians are seen.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Klaipeda University

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