Open Access BASE2021

Daugiabučių namų administravimas ir modernizavimas: Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybės atvejis ; Administration and modernization of apartment buildings: the case of Klaipeda city municipality


After regaining independence, the residents of the Lithuanian apartment building became the co-owners of the building, they were given the opportunity to choose for themselves, which form of ownership they would apply when maintaining and administering the apartment building. Today, however, it is observed that the collective provision of a service and its regulation is not entirely effective. After the privatization of public housing, many residents faced a legal system that had to take care of not only housing administration but also maintenance and repair work, but such a legal system was not properly developed, so today the country faces housing policy problem related to lack of apartment modernization. In Lithuania, the modernization processes of apartment buildings are slow; therefore the aim of this work is to investigate the implementation of apartment house administration and modernization in Lithuania. In order to find out this, it is necessary to review the legal and theoretical aspects of apartment house administration, to examine the problems of apartment house modernization and legal regulation in Lithuania. The case of administration and modernization of Klaipeda city municipality apartment buildings was also selected for the research. The theoretical analysis aims to review the legal and theoretical aspects of apartment house administration. Attention is drawn to the fact that the main task of multi-apartment managers is to perform their activities in a transparent and high-quality manner and to implement the mandatory requirements established in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania related to the maintenance and administration of multiapartment buildings. Analyzing the problems of modernization of multi-apartment houses and legal regulation in Lithuania, it is noticed that modernization (renovation) of multi-apartment houses means that old houses are being rebuilt and their heating energy is being improved. The qualitative research revealed that the administrators of Klaipeda City Municipality apartment buildings administration and modernization face several problems. First of all, there is resistance from the residents, the residents of the apartment building do not want modernization because they do not trust the contractor and contractors, there is a lack of information about the modernization of the apartment building. Other issues highlighted are frequently changing legislation and sometimes problems with contractors.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Klaipeda University

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