Open Access BASE2016



Article gives a review of studies devoted to the political culture of Ukraine. Author presents main theoretical and methodological principles of political culture research, describes its structure and main typologies of key structural elements. The diachronic analysis of political culture in Ukraine was performed on the basis of several Ukrainian and international sociological surveys. Political culture of Ukraine is presented in a comparative perspective with other European countries.The diachronic analysis of the political culture of Ukraine demonstrated that parameters described by a pioneering research in 1991 stayed practically unchanged during the next two decades. The comparison with other European countries reveals that according to the measures of the main structural components of political culture Ukraine holds the last place out of 26 countries. One may conclude that Ukraine demonstrates a fi rmly low level of political culture.The only shortly lasting exception was the period of 2004-2005 (Orange revolution), when due to the active political mobilization and protest activities, a temporary positive dynamic in all basic elements of political culture of Ukraine became visible. But even at this short period of time Ukraine did not reach to the mean level of European parameters of political culture. As our research demonstrated, in 2013 at the background of furtherdeterioration of all parameters of political culture in Ukraine, we observe a rise of protest moods and readiness of Ukrainian citizens to fi ght for their rights in all possible forms. Which can be described as a fi xation of prerevolutionary situation, which exploded a few months later. Keywords: political culture, element of political culture, classifi cation. ; У статті наведено огляд основних досліджень особливостей політичної культури в Україні. Обґрунтовано теоретико-методологічні засади дослідження політичної культури, розкрито її зміст і здійснено типологію основних складових політичної культури. З використанням матеріалів українських та міжнародних соціологічних досліджень проведено діахронний аналіз політичної культури українського соціуму. Виконано порівняльний аналіз проявів політичної культури в Україні та в інших європейських країнах. Ключові слова: політична культура, складові політичної культури, класифікація.




Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

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