Open Access BASE2017



The article deals with psychological determinants of gender self-identity of personality in modern controversial system of traditional / patriarchal and egalitarian / democratic coordinates from the position of gender methodology. This research investigates psychological effects of gender stereotypes on the identity of young men and women in the Ukrainian society. The suggested psychological model of sex-role identifi cation helps generalize external (social and educational) factors and personal determinants of personalization of gender «Self». Gender (parity) democracy is important, not only because of the international recognition, but also for the internal dynamic of our country, implementation of basic social programs which improve the quality of life for two socio-demographic groups-men and women, elimination of inequality between this sexes and development of partnership between them as an expression of social justice, the effective mechanisms of protection against discrimination, etc. Ukrainian youth decides on its future in the world where family and public spheres are no longer ruled by the ideals of Soviet patriarchal system disguised under the slogan of equality between men and women. Gender is a basic characteristic of a person that determines his or her psychological and social functioning. Gender relations characterize the level of democracy in a society, as they determine the division of roles in political, socio-economic and professional lives. However, historical examples show that it is not enough to resolve the problems of human existence, human or national security using only power, scientifi c or technological methods without any changes in the social consciousness and culture. Such changes are possible only when people and culture become consciously aware of a particular system of values and value orientations as a humanitarian component of social life security. Hence the study of person's gender identity formation in the ontogenesis is promoted by a social need to reveal social and psychological factors of youth gender culture formation, the necessity to study the inner mechanisms of personality identifi cation with certain patterns of gender role behavior, as well as social life democratization and formation of egalitarian values. Gender identity is characterized as being marked by awareness of gender-role cultural standards, as well as social and psychological instructions, accepting the traditional or egalitarian modes of behaviour, formation of ego-structures in the continuum of masculinity and femininity, representation of the individual experience of self-knowledge and attitudes to evaluating oneself and others, agreement and balancing between the real and ideal gender Self. This research is aimed at determining gender perceptions of student youth, specifi cally gender ideals in the self-concept, beliefs about traditional and egalitarian gender roles and construction of the real and ideal self. Our hypothesis was that student youth is heavily infl uenced by both the traditional and egalitarian gender orientations in determination of their private and public roles.Social construction of gender in youth environment is determined by gender space of modern society, it is characterized by double contradiction: on the one hand, partial solution to the ways of establishing formal equality and appellation to the natural function of women, on the other hand - new, alternative system of gender relations based on the principle «equality in difference», tendency of equal rights and opportunities for self-realization of young men and women as unique subjects of socio-historical event. At the background of «general social transformation» female students often express liberal statements, support more equal division of family roles, look for equal opportunities for self-realization. Egalitarian socialization is congruent with person-centred (non-violent) approach in education, as the most progressive and productive community of equal individuals of different sexes. In this sense initial assumptions of personal egalitarian approach as a basic strategy of socialization and education cover the implementation of the idea of gender equality in different fi elds of activity and gender roles interchangeability; indetermination of biological belonging of gender roles; approval of egalitarian ideology: gender competence as knowledge of gender standards diversity and ability to reconstruct gender stereotypes, gender sensitivity as a means of creating conditions for the general development of the representatives of different sexes despite gender stereotypes and prejudices, ability to solve educational problems from the viewpoint of egalitarian gender ideology and gender tolerance as respect of fundamental rights and freedoms. The article outlines prospects of further research on gender social construction among students and ways of egalitarian formation of personality.Keywords: egalitarian values, ambivalence of consciousness, gender role, gender stereotypes, patriarchy, self-realization, sex bias, sex roles identity, unsexed sexism, values. ; Розкрито психологічні детермінанти ґендерного самовизначення особистості в сучасній суперечливій системі традиційних/патріархальних та еґалітарних/демо-кратичних координат з позиції ґендерної методології. Створено психологічну мо-дель статеворольової ідентифікації; узагальнено соціально-педагогічні чинники та особистісні детермінанти персоналізації ґендерного Я. На фоні «загальної соціальної трансформації» студентки частіше виявляють ліберальні установки, більше підтримують рівний розподіл ролей у сім'ї, прагнуть рівних можливостей для самореалізації. Ці тенденції дають змогу констатувати збільшення суб'єктного потенціалу, визначити психологічні перспективи майбутньої життєтворчості молодих жінок як виходу за межі звичного та виклику стереотипам, що свідчить про необхідність розроблення та впровадження особливої ідеологічної си-стеми ґендерних знань і практик, релевантних психологічним принципам паритетності та саморозвитку статей. Окреслено перспективи дослідження проблеми соціального конструювання ґендеру у студентському середовищі, шляхи формування еґалітарної особистості.Ключові слова: еґалітарні цінності, амбівалентність свідомості, ґендерні ролі, ґендерні стереотипи, патріархальні цінності, особистісна самореалізація, ґендерна ідентичність, ґендерний образ Я.




VISNYK OF THE LVIV UNIVERSITY. Series Psychological science; Вісник Львівського університету. Серія психологічні науки

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