Open Access BASE2018



The article deals with the principles of media activity in the current information, i.e. psychological and military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Principles are formed, established by people on the basis of laws comprehension, processes of social and political life and their reflection.Following the principles as a theoretical and methodological basis of the functioning of journalism is the most important criterion of moral and spiritual orientation, professional stan­dards, linguistic and stylistic level, and thematic content of any kind of media. A detailed analysis of the media activity in Ukraine during the Russian hybrid war gives reason to affirm that all the principles of journalism should be based on the principles of Ukrainian centrism, meaning an integrative principle of formation of journalistic professionalism and functioning of media.Ukrainian centrism is a political and ideological, socioeconomic, moral and spiritual concept of development of restored independence of Ukraine; it is a philosophical and national psychological, a worldview position of a citizen of Ukraine, first of all a journalist. Ukrainian centrism is based on the concept of nationalism, which is the philosophy of the nation's existence, its life, development, humanistic self-affirmation. Chauvinism, fascism, Nazism and communism are a philosophy of enslavement and oppression of other nations. That is why to Ukrainians the main weapon in the information-psychological warfare should be the Truth on the basis of Ukrainian centrism.Ukrainian media should name Ukrainian heroes as the heroes, the feat of Ukrainian defenders as the feat, separatist betrayal as the betrayal, Russian lie as a lie, Moscow crime as a crime, Russian aggression as the aggression. It is necessary to draw a clear line between good and evil, because «moral neutrality» and «ethical ambivalence» are a serious threat to Ukrainian journalism. True Ukrainian journalist combines national civic position and professional stan­dards. After all, journalistic standards are not faceless, that is not imposing the idea that a journalist is a kind of planetary creature without nationality, that they do not have a homeland.Ivan Franko considered the type of man-hypocrite, i.e. cunning and false man, as a sociologically dangerous one in journalism. Today such journalists are called «useful idiots», who an extremely important problem of true coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war are trying to have idle talk discussions about «the language of hate and journalistic standards». The main requirements of journalistic standards are to submit carefully checked, truthful information, not to lie, not to manipulate, but to be morally honest with readers, viewers, listeners and to be honest with themself.Russian-Ukrainian war is a war of values and ideological orientations. Ukrainians have always been a builders, both materially and spiritually. For journalists, as well as for all Ukrainians, Russian aggression is the decisive moment of Truth. Consequently, Russian information psychological and military aggression against Ukraine dictates the special conditions of adherence to the principles of journalistic activity the deep essence of which should be Ukrainian centrism.Key words: principles of journalism, Ukrainian centrism, the truth, Ukrainian language, professional standards, national civilian position, manipulative propaganda, Russian aggression. ; Схарактеризовано принципи діяльності ЗМІ в умовах інформаційно-психологічної і військової агресії Російської Федерації проти України. Закцентовано увагу на тому, що всі принципи журналістики мають ґрунтуватися на засадах україноцентризму. Головною зброєю проти російської маніпулятивної пропаганди є історична Правда. Наголошено, що нинішні і майбутні журналісти – студенти покликані ставитися до стандартів журналістської творчості конструктивно, органічно поєднувати професіоналізм і національно-громадянську позицію.Ключові слова: принципи журналістики, україноцентризм, правда, українська мова, професійні стандарти, національно-громадянська позиція, маніпулятивна пропаганда, російська агресія.




Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Journalism; Вісник Львівського університету. Серія журналістика



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