Open Access BASE2019



Defence policy has recently become one of the components of the external dimension European Union policy, reflecting, in a sense, on the need to be a strategic player international relations not only in economic matters. This article presents the evolution of this policy from the 90s to the present solutions. Point of matter is a treaty analysis of the principles presented in each document starting with the Maastricht Treaty to decision in Treaty from Lisbon. The issues reflected upon in this article mainly relate to the idea of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and its modifications, the concept of building a stronger 'defence core' for Europe, and deepening of the cooperation in a perhaps narrower circle than the Union of all the countries. The discussion on defence cooperation is also a reaction to the crisis within the EU, an answer to the challenges arising from Brexit, and Donald Trump's presidency in the United States of America as well as safety threats on the southern borders of the continent.Implementation of the EU external policy is an effect of its particular status and the influence of three separate, but still interdependent, decision-making systems. The shape of that policy is influenced by national foreign policies of the member states, the policy concerning the economic sphere, and policies that emerged as a result of the actions of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Therefore, we deal with a compilation of the power of the European Union as a whole, and the political preferences of particular member states. External policy of the European Union is more than just a simple sum of the foreign policies of its member states. It is a compilation of the Community policy on an institutional level and the foreign policies of the EU countries. The policies can often overlap and interact which makes it easier to achieve a common and uniform position.The European continent security system is also influenced by the functioning of other organizations, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. That poses a number of questions as to the real possibilities and capabilities to ensure the EU security. According to numerous opinions "common defence policy" of the European Union is unrealistic and is purely a theory presented only in a treaty dimension.The aim of the research was to present the concept of the defense policy of the European Union in the contemporary structural dimension and its reference to the functioning of the North Atlantic Alliance. The issue was developed based on historical, comparative and functional analysis.Key words: EU, EU Treaties, defence policy, structural cooperation, PESCO




Ivan Franko National University of Lviv



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