Open Access BASE2014

The Political Culture of European Women in the Twenty-First Century


The relationship between women and politics continues to provoke discussions and is increasingly being addressed as a problem of democracy and not of women only. This research will deal with analyzing the relationship between political education and women, as well as the importance of educating to politics; the reason why there is need of developing in individuals and in women particularly the sense of individual and collective responsibility and the awareness of their rights in the common good, in order to teach them that the delegation people carry out through elections is of a representative and not an of a intellectual kind. In fact, despite significant successes in the growth of women's presence in education, employment and cultural life, we realize that the political participation of women is still very low. We will try to sensitize the public opinion on this issue, and change a political culture that still considers the man a legitimate protagonist of state management. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n13p120




Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences

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