Open Access BASE2015

Femininity, neoliberalism and popular culture: the depolitization of feminism


This thesis intends to analyze the logics of representation of contemporary femininity in the popular imagery that has instrumentalized feminism. Such is the case of the transmedia narrative The Twilight Saga, the cultural franchise of 50 Shades of Grey, and TV fiction Girls. All of these cultural products have earned an important position in contemporary cultural consumption, invite a form of cultural participation closely linked to the consumer industry, and propose female ideals characterized by a strong sentiment of freedom of choice. However, these ideals are inserted within an androcentric, heteronormative discourse that redirects femininity toward a traditional narrative order. In my analysis we will point out how, under the illusion of a free and autonomous social participation, a meritocratic system of social regulation where feminist criticism stands out as redundant is legitimized. I analyze how the neoliberal economic and socio-cultural project, which develops the idea of an (allegedly) democratic society, promotes the illusion that women enjoy a high social participation and visibility from which they can construct their cultural identity, celebrating feelings of freedom, choice, and female empowerment.

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