Open Access BASE2017

Cloud Based Acquisition System for Diabetic Data


IMEKO TC4 (22è : 2017 : Iasi, Romania). 22nd IMEKO TC4 Symposium and 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing: supporting worl development through electrical & electronic mesuraments: September 14-15, 2017, Iasi, Romania ; The paper presents a system which collects medical data from people with type 1 diabetes mellitus, stores the data into a cloud database and implements web pages for data analysis. This system architecture gives possibility to clinicians and patients to share information about patient evolution without the need for the patient to physically visit the hospital. The system includes a clinical decision support system which helps the patient on insulin doses calibration ; This material is based upon the work which is supported by the European Union through the H2020 "PEPPER" project: Patient Empowerment through Predictive Personalized decision support,

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