Open Access BASE2017

Discovering Sustainable Coastal Tourism in Dodola-Island, Indonesia


This research was done based on the author's curiosity to know how sustained the performance of Dodola island. During the time, the island had declared as a virgin beach. Moreover, Ministry of Tourism collaborated with the Government of Morotai District launched the program Wonderful Morotai Island. Through their program's aims to increase the number of tourists visiting the area. The program combined the natural, marine, cultural and artificial attractions. This study conducted based on the concept of coastal tourism in a sustainable manner. The concept was very realistic to be implement on improving their performance to build coastal ecotourism in the area that has a very limited number of human resources, funding and time. This study had conducted for a year with quantitative and qualitative mixed mode research. The questionnaires distributed purposively and tabulated using content analysis. The results of the study showed that in addition to coastal tourism facilities and infrastructure, it was also necessary to socialize with all stakeholders on technology and coastal tourism development in a sustainable manner. This collaboration had improved the performance of coastal tourism on the island

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