Open Access BASE2009

Predicting Military Performance from Specific Personality Measures: A validity study


This study examined the criterion-related validity of the dimensions of a customized personality inventory in predicting different aspects of military performance. A cross-validity study was also carried out to establish the stability of the obtained regression weights. The sample consisted of 733 non-commissioned officers who filled out the personality inventory. Three different measures of performance (i.e., commendations, reprimands, and cumulative ranking) were used as the criteria in validating the inventory. Among the 11 dimensions of the inventory, emotional stability, directing and monitoring, self-discipline, and military bearing predicted commendations; determination was the only predictor for reprimands, and cumulative ranking was predicted by determination and adaptability. The cross-validity procedure showed that the obtained regression weights were stable, providing further support for the validity of the personality measures. Results yielded support for the argument that specific personality measures could be respectable predictors of different aspects of military performance.





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