Open Access BASE2009

Editorial: eGovernment in Sweden : New Directions


In January 2008, the Swedish Government launched a new eGovernment action plan which was formulated to serve as "a new basis for IT-based organisational development in public administration". The main objective in the plan was formulated as "as simple as possible for as many as possible". The definition of eGovernment used in the action plan is the one agreed upon by many other European countries: "eGovernment is organisational development in public administrations that takes advantage of information and communication technologies (ICT) combined with organisational changes and new skills". Behind the suggested course of actions there is a rhetoric that Sweden was now entering a new path regarding eGovernment development. Taken together the declarations in the plan made it and the expressed expectations of profound changes in public administration an interesting target for critical review.Having identified the importance in critically discussing and analysing the action plan, the Swedish Researchers Network in eGovernment ( arranged a network meeting at the national conference for public sector in Sweden June 2008. The theme for the meeting was "Reflections on the Swedish action plan for eGovernment". Several researchers and practitioners shared and debated their reflections during this meeting. In order to continue this very interesting discussion after the conference, we then invited authors to submit an article on the same theme, i.e. analysing different aspects of the Swedish action plan for eGovernment. This call for papers was directed both to participants at the network meeting and others, who wanted to contribute to this on-going debate. The call was to encourage authors to communicate and share their insights and opinions regarding the action plan in order to provide knowledge to decision-makers and other practitioners. ; Editorial




Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi och medier; Linköpings Universitet

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