Open Access BASE2019



Five Power Defence Arrangements is the legacy of the cold war era in Southeast Asia. The purpose of forming this arrangement is for protecting Malaysia and Singapore from the communism expansion while Britain already lost the military supremacy. Despite the cold war has ended since two decade ago and Southeast Asian Nation already strengthen their regional organization (ASEAN), but FPDA still show its existence by conducting joint exercise and mostly took place in Southeast Asia. Beside that the IADS (Integrated Area Defence System) also still maintaining and upgrading. The existence of FPDA due to the reason of threat construction that linked by their identity and interest of each nation. Threats construction became an intersubjectivity communicated in frame of FPDA and the materialized in the form of joint exercise. The articles examines that threats construction by the five nations under FPDA frame became a based of FPDA existence which showing by the joint exercise on this frame. Whereas the five nations still consider that to face the threat construction in each nations the support form other country is needed, especially who have cooperative interaction with those country which the identity shaped by the historical background. Keywords: FPDA, Constructivism, Threat




Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Interdependence

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