Open Access BASE2019

Tinklaveika viešojo valdymo pokyčių struktūroje ; Networking in the Structure of Public Governance Changes


In the evolution of public governance, the wide range of public governance changes and reforms require the consolidation of innovative ideology and practice. Therefore it is necessary to modify traditional governance values, to develop the options of incremental change models, to improve the functioning of social systems and subsystems, their activities and communication between them. In the modern era of globalization and development of information technology, many functions and processes are being implemented by using network systems. Networks are an essential structural form, which helps to seek the new knowledge, to exchange information and experiences, and networking ensures these processes and their results. Network and networking researches in recent decades have become important not only in informatics or economics, but also in other scientific fields such as political science, sociology and public administration. Innovative solutions, related to the development of networked forms in the governance of public sector organizations, become increasingly important in the evolution of new public governance doctrine. By the influence of networked forms of governance, the public sector becomes more decentralized, pluralistic and provides the opportunities to consolidate cooperation with non-governmental subjects. Networks are becoming an important alternative to hierarchy and control mechanisms. The problem of this research is the complexity of networking dimensional specification in the rapidly changing modern public governance. The purpose of the study is to identify the key concepts of networking constructions and practice opportunities in the environment of the public governance changes. The article analyzes the typology aspects of: network structures, which develop integration opportunities; network systems, models and types; networking processes and their efficiency, effectiveness, functional possibilities. The authors, based on the opportunities of interpretive methods and theoretical modeling, in the article seek to summarize the indicators of newly developed new public governance doctrine, in which public administration theorists distinguish different types of policy, management and economic networks systems, described as a network structures and networking. As important task, the authors of this article hold the necessity to disclose the positions of the various authors, analyzing the interactions between the networking participants' quantitative and qualitative dimensions, normative and standardized elements of state institutions, as decision making, conflict regulation, the development of networks and networking as a systematic processes and organization performance management. The particular attention the authors distinguish to the social relations, i.e. the organizational functioning and cultural aspects of social networking, and the categorization analysis of social capital (in the context of the networking process). The authors conclude that modern public governance, influenced by global changes, has a multidimensional nature and the characteristics of cross-sectoral interaction and development of network structure formation. A special factor of new public governance becomes the development of hybrid organizations. These factors are the priority dimensions of scientific academic debates. They are underlined in the fixation of new public governance indicators, management process of public sector organizations, establishing organizational culture, value orientations and behaviour standards. Networking as a form of public government, becomes increasingly important instrumentation in modern public government methodologies and practices. Networking qualitative characteristics depend on many factors: the preparation of organizations, the professionalism of supervisors, leaders and managers, the development of democratic governance trends, the interaction with stakeholders and associations. Important factor (especially in an official and centralized networking level) becomes the social and service networks and the political, administrative and legal regulation of networks performance, which establish the responsibility, functional purposes, the forms of informal networks in organizations, and the rules of performance. The successful and efficient functioning of networking is possible only if there are created network systems with the explicit dimensions of social networks and social performance systems. ; Straipsnyje, remiantis mokslinių šaltinių metaanalizės, mišrios analitinės sintezės, interpretacinio modeliavimo metodais, bandoma atskleisti esmines tinklaveikos, kaip šiuolaikinio viešojo valdymo etapo, tipologijos raiškos formas, tyrimo dėmesį sutelkiant į kompleksinį naujojo viešojo valdymo pobūdį, įvertinant tinklaveikos tyrimų metodologinį reikšmingumą, veiklos metodologiją traktuojant kaip viešųjų struktūrų tyrimo ir veiklos valdymo logiką. Straipsnio autoriai aptaria naujojo viešojo valdymo evoliucijos procesus, kai vis svarbesnė tampa valdymo pokyčių kokybė, į rezultatus nukreipta veiklos vadyba, inovacinių valdymo sprendimų rengimas ir įgyvendinimas.

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