Open Access BASE2020

Changes and Problematic Aspects in Legal Regulation of Administrative Liability Due to Quarantine


The declaration of emergencies and quarantine across the country has inevitably affected, if not all, most areas of public life. There was a need and necessity to regulate both new and changed old social relations. The unfavorable circumstances also revealed the existing gaps in the legal regulation. This article analyzes changes in legal regulation in the context of administrative liability. The answer is sought to the question whether those changes were necessary at all, whether the wording of the legal norms influenced by the new legal regulation is in accordance with the objectives of the legislator. Given that the investigation is being carried out shortly after the changes in the legal framework, the question arises as to whether the institutions are properly applying the new or amended legal provisions governing administrative liability. It is presumed that improper, formal, administrative liability may lead to an increase in legal disputes concerning compensation for damage caused by the unlawful actions of officials. Suggestions for the improvement of legal regulation are presented considering the identified problems.

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