Open Access BASE2018

Variables Influencing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of District Communication in Rwanda: Critical Considerations for Accountability


Within the context of decentralisation, the implementation of the values and principles promoted by the Government of Rwanda (GoR) require effective and efficient communication practices by local governments, their key partners including citizens, central government entities, development partners, as well as the media. The GoR adopted the National Decentralisation Policy in 2000, which establishes districts as the highest level of local government, while provinces are at central government level. Hence, districts are expected to play a key role in facilitating the GoR's decentralisation policy (Ministry of Local Government National Decentralisation Policy Revised 2012:8). As such, a framework needs to be established to ensure that information is gathered, processed, disseminated and feedback is collected at district level. Communication is a complex, multi-facetted concept that is difficult to capture in one article. This article focuses on the variables that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of districts' communication, while specifically focusing on how this influences accountability. It highlights the role communication and communication practices play in promoting good and accountable governance in Rwanda's districts. To provide a framework for assessing the available capacity for communication practices, the article also focuses on the regulatory environment and potential and challenges of promoting good and accountable local governance in Rwanda.

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