Open Access BASE2009

Ekologiczne i ekonomiczne aspekty zastosowania biogazu z wysypisk jako odnawialnego źródła energii w Polsce


Participation of Poland in European Union structures force to activities aimed at increasing the share of renewable energy source (RES) in Polish energy balance according to idea of sustainable development. It is anticipated, that environmental friendly companies will forcefully expand in the near future, as a result of ecological awareness growth and law regulations connected with environmental requirements. RES are the alternative for traditional energy sources and using them not only does not exhaust limited fossil fuel sources but also reduces emission to environment. One of the renewable energy source is energy obtained from landfill biogas. This article presents environmental and economic aspects of landfill biogas usage. The author goal is not only purposefulness evaluation of landfill biogas usage but also indication of so far less known and recognized elements of economical efficiency investment calculus in that field (in accordance with the generally accepted methodology).




Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National-Louis University w Nowym Sączu

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