Open Access BASE2020

Justification of optimal methods of rehabilitation of geological environment at the leaks of oil products during their storage


The objects of storage of oil products are the sources of serious impacts on the environment as a consequence of the significant income of the hydrocarbons into the landscape components. The results of emergency and of legal (permissible) losses of the oil products are the pollution of geological environment, including the underground hydrosphere, as well as giant technogenic lenses of oil products in the areas of oil storage objects, refineries, military objects and air bases. In the article are presented the approaches to the selection of optimal methods for rehabilitation of the geological environment at its pollution with the oil products, the algorithms for estimation of the status monitoring and selection of the methods of rehabilitation of the polluted components of geological environment. They are based on the adequate estimation of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the pollution: the scale of lenses spread, period of the infiltration of oil products, types and properties of soils.

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