Open Access BASE2020

Lucha antirrepresiva e influjo unitario en la movilización antifranquista ; Struggle against repression and unity within anti-franco protestsThe solidarity commissions (1969-1977) ; Las comisiones de solidaridad (1969-1977)


UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020 ; The united mobilization in support of victims of political reprisals is a virtually unstudied aspect of the fight against the Franco dictatorship, yet it is extremely important. This article aims to help fill that void. Amid markedly increased repression, the underground organizations and social movements of the opposition developed a cross-societal tool to help the victims and to speak out against their situation. The first examples were documented in 1967 in different towns, yet it was not until early 1969 that the main origins of the movement took root: the Comissió de Solidaritat de Barcelona [Solidarity Committee of Barcelona]. This initial and most prominent hub would be extended to other cities in subsequent years, first in Catalonia, and later in Madrid and other capitals. Our study of the documentation generated by these new platforms, combined with interviews with some of their members, confirms the importance of this network as one of the main axes of the new mode of opposition to the dictatorship. The work of the Solidarity Commissions made it possible to mitigate the brunt of repression, while delegitimizing the regime and bringing together the different awareness groups within the anti-Franco movement. Mention must also be made of the influence of this experience on the creation of united opposition platforms during the Franco regime and the transition to democracy. ; publishersversion ; published

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