Open Access BASE2000

The Vasco da Gama Bridge on the Tagus Estuary: A paradigm of bad decision making, but good post-evaluation


World Transport Policy & Practice, Vol.6, nº2, (2000) ; The Vasco da Gama bridge over the Tagus Estuary was one of the most polemic projects ever built in Portugal and indeed in the European Union. Benefiting from significant funding from the Cohesion Fund, the project failed to uphold its main declared objectives (decongesting the old bridge and providing a northsouth link around Lisbon), and its location was the worst of three alternatives regarding land management, nature conservation, transportation system and cost. It was nevertheless forwarded by the will of the very powerful Portuguese Ministry of Public Works (against opinions of almost everybody else), aided by the unwillingness of the European Commission to withdraw financing. However, the public outrage raised around the project both in Portugal and in Europe, not only for the sloppy decision but also for illegal impacts during construction, led to several stringent control and compensatory measures, unprecedented in Portugal and rare in Europe.

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