Open Access BASE2008

The Regional Welfare Burden in the Nordic Countries


Ageing does not have a negative impact on economic growth and welfare per se. Institutional adjustment is possible since ageing is a slow process. At the national level the Nordic populations will continue to grow, while regional population imbalances will be accentuated. To large extent ageing and the troublesome issue of welfare service provision is a regional challenge. Furthermore, labour market institutions in particular will be placed under great stress and adjustments to a new population structure will be needed. Few, if any, long-term policies have been launched to deal will the upcoming challenges of ageing. Short-term policies have, however, been launched, e.g. raising the retirement age, enabling older persons to work longer, changes in labour market legislation to favour older workers and promote labour immigration. As is to be expected, the issue of how to build the post-industrial and ageing society, and to organise its welfare remains highly ideological.




Stockholm : Nordregio

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