Open Access BASE2018

Досвід Польщі щодо органічного виробництва та перспективи його розвитку в Україні ; Polish experience on organic production and prospects for its development in Ukraine


Проведено системний аналіз тенденцій розвитку органічної продукції в Україні та Польщі, який показав, що загальна площа сертифікованих екологічних земель в Україні за досліджуваний період (2006–2016 роки) зросла в 1,7 раза, а в Польщі з 2004 до 2014 року зросла в 12 разів.Встановлено, що найсуттєвіший вплив на якісні структурні зміни в економічному секторі має адаптація до європейських стандартів, які встановлюють сприятливу систему регулювання агровиробництва, маркування та інспекцію органічної продукції. Саме тому Польща, перебуваючи в Європейському Союзі, має значну перевагу над Україною. Узагальнено систему контролю і сертифікації уповноваженими органами, а також механізм фінансової підтримки органічного агровиробництва. Наголошено на необхідності використання досвіду Польщі з метою екологізації сільського господарства й розвитку органічного агровиробництва в Україні.Ключові слова: органічне виробництво, агровиробництво, якість, сільське господарство, контроль, сертифікація, фінансова підтримка ; Today, in Ukraine, perhaps the most important brake factor for the development of organic production and the cultivation of organic agricultural products is the demand for the domestic food market. And also the development of organic production constrains the incompleteness of the legislative and regulatory framework, which would clearly outline the state policy in this area.The development of ecological agriculture in Poland is a complex ecological system of farming, which is an example of the correct implementation of the concept of balanced development, which has ecological and social significance. The dynamic development of ecological agriculture in this country during the last decade is due, first of all, to the increased interest of rural commodity producers to produce organic products, and consumers - to buy environmentally sound food products on the domestic market and markets of other EU countries.The positive experience with organic agriculture accumulated in this country is of scientific interest and requires proper analysis with a view to its borrowing and introduction into the Ukrainian black soil, taking into account the peculiarities of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy.Favorable climatic conditions open up wide opportunities for Ukraine to switch to organic farming, which could ensure the growth of production of high-quality food products for their own needs and for perspective segments of the external market.The analysis of the research results shows that in the organic agriculture of Ukraine, the total area of agricultural land of agricultural enterprises is about 1%. At the same time, Ukraine occupies the first place in the Eastern European region regarding the certified area of organic arable land, specializing mainly in the production of cereals, leguminous plants and oilseeds. In addition, 530 thousand hectares of wildlife are certified in our country.In 2016, the area of certified organic land is 179166 hectares, which is much less than in neighboring Poland, where there are already about 800 thousand hectares. An annual Organic Marketing Forum in Warsaw is an important initiative for the development of the Polish internal market. Its purpose is to support closer cooperation in the enlarged European Union and the creation of internal organic markets in central and eastern Europe through business meetings between entrepreneurs.According to the structure of certified organic agricultural land 76.4% is arable land, 21.3% - pastures, 0.5% - perennials. It should be noted that Ukraine is the world leader in the production of organic honey and holds leading positions in the area of certified land: grain - the fourth place; sunflower - the fifth; oil crops - the fifth; vegetables - the ninth place.Every year, an increase in demand for organic products is attracting market expansion, as well as an increase in the number of farms. So in 2006, 80 enterprises were certified on the territory of Ukraine, when in 2016 their number was 390 - increased by 310 enterprises.The average certified organic farming is over 2000 hectares, which puts Ukraine above Poland - only 25 hectares. In the southern and western parts of Ukraine, as well as in the Poltava region, there is the largest number of enterprises engaged in the production of organic products.According to the Polish legislation, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development grants powers to the certification authorities, and the inspection of the quality of agricultural commodities is supervised both by the certifying authorities and by the holdings that have been accredited at the Polish Center of Accreditation.Producers of organic products in Poland receive state aid immediately after several indicators. First, the participation of farmers in food quality control systems, which, through continuous monitoring of state bodies, checks the conformity of products with EU standards.Participation in the Quality Control Program brings to the farmer income in the amount of 255 euros per year. Second, help is allocated to advertising and information activities. Compensation for up to 70% of advertising and distribution costs for organic products is foreseen. Thirdly, the costs associated with the transition from the usual method of farming to organic are compensated. In this case, the maximum subsidy during the transition period, which reaches 461 euros per 1 ha per year, is received by gardeners of Poland. The smallest amount of subsidies (66 euros per 1 ha per year) is provided for long-term large-scale pastures certified as organic. Depending on the type of farming and its specialization, the direct subsidization of farms engaged in the production of organic produce is an average of EUR 240 per 1 ha per year.That is why in Ukraine it is possible to increase the number of producers of organic products through state support (subsidizing, preferential lending, subsidies) of this activity, especially in the first three years. An important tool for realizing the potential of organic production is the introduction of certification marks for organic labeling, promotion of the culture of consumption of organic products, and raising the standard of living of the population.For our state, which has significant areas of high-yielding land, this opens up the possibility in the near future to become one of the European leaders in the production of environmentally friendly food products.The dynamic development of organic farming in Poland is an example of the implementation of the concept of balanced agricultural development, rural areas and environmental protection.The accumulated positive experience in conducting organic agriculture in Poland is of scientific and practical interest for its use in order to ecologies the domestic agrarian sector, the development of organic farming in Ukraine.Equally important stimulus factor is targeted financial support in the form of grants of organic producers from the national budget of the country.




National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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