Open Access BASE2018

Забезпечення конкурентоспроможності галузей АПК в умовах євроінтеграції ; Ensuring competitiveness of agro-industrial complex in the conditions of eurointegration


Досліджено теоретичні та практичні підходи до поняття конкурентоспроможність агропромислового комплексу. В умовах орієнтації на європейські стандарти, міжнародні організації, що здійснюють контроль над аграрним ринком, формують нові тренди. Серед них збереження довкілля, водних, земельних та рибних ресурсів. Аргументовано можливості й потребу в органічному виробництві, розвитку сільських територій. Запропоновано нові концептуальні підходи до застосування поняття «розумна конкурентоспроможність галузей АПК» у контексті європейської інтеграції.Ключові слова: конкурентоспроможність, галузь, агропромисловий комплекс, європейська інтеграція ; Modern economic transformations are characterized by increased requirements for the quality of manufactured products. In general, this is due to the fact that the provision of sustainable development in the market of goods and services is determined by the level of competitiveness of products, which in turn depends on the competitiveness of enterprises and industry complexes. Competitiveness, in turn, is determined by the level of prices and the level of product quality. Ukraine's accession to the World Trade Organization and European integration create significant opportunities for Ukrainian commodity producers, which provides the country with access to world markets for goods and services expands the consumer assortment and facilitates access to foreign technology.The sectoral structure of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine is the basic in the process of determining the main directions of its functioning and reflects the complete technological line of production of goods, works and services. Thus, on its basis it is possible to allocate branch links of the complex. The structure of the agroindustrial complex consists of three spheres. In the field of agricultural production, all sectors are involved. Many of them work directly on raw materials and semi-agricultural products of agricultural origin. At the same time, products of other industries are used in the agro-industrial complex. All this leads to the expansion of internal and inter-branch relationships and the mutual dependence of the pace of development of industries involved in the production of this product.The competitiveness of the agroindustrial complex should be considered separately as the agrarian sector has its own specifics. Competitive branch of agroindustrial complex is not only benefits from the point of view of economic efficiency, but also the issue of food security and preservation of biological resources. The competitiveness of the agroindustrial complex, taking into account the specificity and social significance of the agrarian sector, should be defined as its competitive ability to function and develop in a market environment, effectively ensuring the processes of reproduction of agrarian potential. The level of competitiveness results from the size of the main types of agricultural products per capita, their positive dynamics and the creation of conditions for the sustainable development of the national economic system in the long run. Events taking place in the geopolitical space actualize for the national economy the issue of food independence as the basis of social stability and national security. Therefore, the agro-industrial complex, with its large role in the economy, should be the basis of state policy in the system of making national decisions. At the same time, ensuring the competitiveness of agro-industrial complex should be considered as a strategic task, the solution of which will allow not only to achieve the necessary level of self-provision of food products, but will also give impetus to other sectors of the economy. However, returning to the realities of the Ukrainian agrarian market, it should be noted that the achievement of the competitiveness of goods in many cases is questionable in the European market. The availability of a quantitative method for achieving competitiveness is made possible by gaps in legislation, the lack of effective standards for standardization and certification. Ineffective, corrupt controls - lead to the impossibility of exporting such products to international markets and the negative impact on food security on the gene pool of Ukraine.Therefore, we consider it expedient to form a new concept «SMART COMPETITIVENESS». Realization of which is possible due to more effective state intervention: regulation and control of rules of functioning in the agrarian market




National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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