Open Access BASE2020

Corruption in Administration


Corruption is a threat to the basic rights and freedoms of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution and international documents, but above all by the Universal Declaration of Rights and Freedoms of Citizens. Corruption occurs in a sophisticated way that leads to difficult detection. Corruption is therefore a very complicated problem that requires countries to build better and more efficient instruments to prevent it. The main purpose of the paper is to detect the corruption phenomenon in the Macedonian public administration. At the same time, this research was conducted in order to obtain data about the level of information of citizens, officials and lawyers about corruption in the administration. It should be noted that this paper also conducted its own research on the citizens' perception of corruption in the Republic of Macedonia. The main methods which will be used in this research are induction and deduction method, descriptive method, comparative method and content analysis method. The conclusions which will be drawn from the research analysis will be pointed not only to the detection of the perception and attitudes towards corruption in Macedonian public administration, but also to giving some opinions and suggestions for improvement. Keywords: corruption, administration, citizens, criminal, law, offenses, code




Faculty of Law - Kicevo, "St. Kliment Ohridski" University - Bitola Center for Scientific Research at the Faculty of Law - Kicevo

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