Open Access BASE2016

The Role of Transport System in the Implementation of the Strategy for the Inland Areas


Abstract The economic and social events of the past decade have led to a substantial evolution in the basic approach of the cohesion policy. This evolution has led us to consider it essential to concentrate resources on a few key priorities for the stimulation of growth, to be smart, sustainable and inclusive. The principles forming the basis of the new strategy Europe 2020, have become even more stringent in light of the state of emergency, which led, at European and national level, the need to develop the exceptional measures in the programming and reprogramming financial resources, in particular related to structural funds. Two factors are critical for the success of the operational programs that will be drawing in the coming months: - the territorial dimension, according to a multilevel governance approach, the list of centers in the identification of priorities and objectives; - the partnership principle which (institutional and socio-economic) indispensable in the development of cross-lines on which to develop the actions. These are also the elements identified as essential in the new structure on the Structural Funds programming for the upcoming 2014-2020 cycle, which is based on' "Partnership Agreement" signed between the European Commission and Member States, the definition of the general framework on which to develop so integrated with the national Reform Plans, national strategies for growth and cohesion. For the construction of an economic development strategy for the internal areas is part of the "territorial capital" unused present in these territories: the natural capital, cultural and cognitive, the social energy of the local population and potential residents, the productive systems (agricultural, tourism, manufacturing). The territorial capital of inland areas is now largely unused as a result of a de-anthropic process. In a local development strategy, the capital is not used should be considered as a measure of the potential for development. The presence of innovative subjects that do exist in internal areas such as advanced manufacturing garrisons may represent the trigger. The local development policies are, first, the activation of the latent political capital. In summary, the strategy pursues five objectives-intermediate: increasing welfare of the local population; increase in local labor demand (and employment); increase in the degree of use of the territorial capital; reducing social costs of de-anthropogenic (hydrogeological, deterioration of the historic capital and architectural and human landscapes, destruction of nature); strengthening of the local development factors. The ultimate goal of the development strategy for internal areas is the reversal of demographic trends: declining population and birth rate, migration, increase in the elderly population to an extent even higher than the national average. This will be done by strengthening the role of infrastructure, thinking of their upgrading and efficiency of the transport system as a prerequisite for the implementation of an economic development strategy for internal areas, for cities and metropolitan cities.

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