Open Access BASE2017

Fardeau des maladies chroniques en Afrique subsaharienne : plaidoyer pour une mise en place des soins palliatifs et d'accompagnement en fin de vie en République démocratique du Congo ; Burden of chronical disease in sub-sharian Africa: A plea for implementation of palliative care and end of life support in Democratic Republic of Congo


Chronic diseases (TM), to date, a burden globally, putting patients in greater need prolonged medical support. CMs are long-term (over 6 months) chronic conditions that evolve and persist over time. They require care for more than 6 months (cardiovascular, oncological diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and HIV / AIDS), are responsible for 63% death. Relatively little reliable information about these diseases is available. Lists containing the major chronic diseases exist but they are scalable and do not always agree ; Peer reviewed

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