Open Access BASE2020

Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun Mandi Padat dari Campuran Minyak Zaitun, Sawit dan Kelapa untuk Kelompok Ibu-ibu PKK Desa Mesjid Punteuet


Most of the people in Mesjid Punteuet village have a good level of work and education. Some big mothers who work as housewives have a great interest and interest in gaining skills that can be used to actualize self-development and become something that can benefit the community. One of the skills that will be provided is training in making solid soap from olive oil, palm oil and coconut which can be obtained easily and can also be obtained with coconut oil. The product that will be produced is a solid soap with attractive packaging with oil content that softens the skin compared to commercial soap products. The method that will be carried out is by making a process using cold process or cold method without heating which is easy to do for household scale. Training will also be given specifically for the safety process in making soap and the benefits of soap-making ingredients. With this activity, the goal to be achieved is to contribute, knowledge, technology related to the development of expertise in making cold-process soap while this soap product can be used for daily needs but can also be used to increase the income of housewives in the village Mesjid Punteuet.




Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

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