Open Access BASE2016

Релігійні симулякри – небезпека синкретичного мислення


Ігнатьєв В. А. Релігійні симулякри – небезпека синкретичного мислення / В. А. Ігнатьєв // Філософські обрії. – 2016. – № 35. – С. 184–191. ; Автор виходить с твердження, що епоха модерну призвела до ерозії релігійної культури, але сучасне постмодерне мислення закладає більш небезпечну основу сучасних суспільних конфліктів на основі релігійних симулякрів. Доведено, що їх причиною є синкретичне мислення, як прояв відсутності філософсько-теологічної культури. ; The author comes from the assertion that the era of modernity has led to the erosion of religious culture. The consequence of the latter is to strengthen the syncretism of contemporary post-modern thinking. As a result of rational thinking it was replaced by a return to mythologem characteristic feature of which is logical in the background blur mystical and magical forms of thought that form the sacred simulacra. If such simulacra are starting to turn into a public-private, myths with fused into one political and religious factors. As a result, the ontological topology religion replaced ontical instrumentality. This results in a drastic destruction of religion than it does in the modern era. The roots of this relationship is the lack of philosophical and theological thinking of contemporary Orthodox culture. The crisis of thought at one time to Christianity led to the politicization of religion that, in the end, and shaped an entire era of atheism. In support of the idea of vitality syncretic thinking in modern conditions shows that with the beginning of the religious freedom of the late twentieth century. observed further politicization of Christianity from within. Since the introduction of the concept of «political hesychasm», which at the beginning of the XXI century has become transformed into the concept of «Russian World» – is none other than the religious simulacrum. As a conclusion it should be noted that the religious simulacra – quite tenacious forms of syncretic thinking that shows a lack of philosophical and theological thought and culture of the mental framework of dangerous socio-political conflicts. ; The author comes from the assertion that the era of modernity has led to the erosion of religious culture. The consequence of the latter is to strengthen the syncretism of contemporary post-modern thinking. As a result of rational thinking it was replaced by a return to mythologem characteristic feature of which is logical in the background blur mystical and magical forms of thought that form the sacred simulacra. If such simulacra are starting to turn into a public-private, myths with fused into one political and religious factors. As a result, the ontological topology religion replaced ontical instrumentality. This results in a drastic destruction of religion than it does in the modern era. The roots of this relationship is the lack of philosophical and theological thinking of contemporary Orthodox culture. The crisis of thought at one time to Christianity led to the politicization of religion that, in the end, and shaped an entire era of atheism. In support of the idea of vitality syncretic thinking in modern conditions shows that with the beginning of the religious freedom of the late twentieth century. observed further politicization of Christianity from within. Since the introduction of the concept of «political hesychasm», which at the beginning of the XXI century has become transformed into the concept of «Russian World» – is none other than the religious simulacrum. As a conclusion it should be noted that the religious simulacra – quite tenacious forms of syncretic thinking that shows a lack of philosophical and theological thought and culture of the mental framework of dangerous socio-political conflicts.


Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка

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