Open Access BASE1957

An Analysis Of Selected Professional Magazine Articles In The Field Of School Administration


Statement of Problem; This study is designed to show some administrative problems that confront school administrators in the performance of their administrative responsibilities. It has been rather generally known that many significant problems are dealt with through our professional literature. However, it has been recognized that there has been a need to draw together into a more meaningful whole, many of these professional articles. Therefore, the major objective of this study has been to analyze certain of these professional articles and present some consolidated interpretations designed to solve many of the problems facing school administrators. Compilations of these articles do not attempt to offer the direct solution to one's problems, but they may provide an approach to the problems, realizing that no two school situations will be alike. These articles were analyzed to aid one in finding a partial solution to some administrative problems, as well as to share the experiences, concepts, and beliefs of other administrators. Significance of the Problem; In view of an assumption on the part of many professional persons that the problems confronting administrators are very much alike, it has been felt that some professional compilation would be of significance. It has also been felt that this material will be an aid in finding at least a partial solution to some of the problems that school administration will be confronted with in the operation of their schools. It is an assumption that before any school program can be effective, the administrator must be concerned with all aspects of the program. The administrator should deal with the problems of the teachers, students, and parents, as democratically as he possibly can. In finding solutions to some of the problems, the administrator should make use of all skills, techniques, abilities, and training of his co-workers and other professional persons.


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