Open Access BASE1992

Family physicians' attitudes toward advance directives


OBJECTIVE: To examine the attitudes toward, the experience with and the knowledge of advance directives of family physicians in Ontario. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. PARTICIPANTS: A questionnaire was mailed to 1000 family physicians, representing a random sample of one-third of the active members of the Ontario College of Family Physicians; 643 (64%) responded. RESULTS: In all, 86% of the physicians favoured the use of advance directives, but only 19% had ever discussed them with more than 10 patients. Most of the physicians agreed with statements supporting the use of advance directives and disagreed with statements opposing their use. Of the respondents 80% reported that they had never used a directive in managing an incompetent patient. Of the physicians who responded that they had such experience, over half said that they had not always followed the directions contained in the directive. The proportions of physicians who responded that certain patient groups should be offered the opportunity to complete an advance directive were 96% for terminally ill patients, 95% for chronically ill patients, 85% for people with human immunodeficiency virus infection, 77% for people over 65 years of age, 43% for all adults, 40% for people admitted to hospital on an elective basis and 33% for people admitted on an emergency basis. The proportions of physicians who felt that the following strategies would encourage them to offer advance directives to their patients were 92% for public education, 90% for professional education, 89% for legislation protecting physicians against liability when following a directive, 80% for legislation supporting the use of directives, 79% for hospital policy supporting the use of directives, 73% for reimbursement for time spent discussing directives with patients and 64% for hospital policy requiring that all patients be routinely offered the opportunity to complete a directive at the time of admission. CONCLUSIONS: Family physicians favour advance directives but use them infrequently. Most ...

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