Open Access BASE1965

Hospital Medical Staff By-laws: An Instrument for Self-Government


Hospital medical staff by-laws are important. By them the governing board of a hospital can and does confer on the medical staff the power to set up a form of organization by which that staff can give assurance of quality hospital medical care. The form of medical staff organization is patterned on familiar concepts of democratic self-government as we know it on this continent. Within the ordered society of the hospital medical staff, as in society at large, there is control of citizenship, classification of citizens as to their citizen rights, licence to do differing kinds of work, election of representatives, definition of rules for conduct, application of the cabinet principle, law enforcement by appointed judges, the right of appeal and, importantly, incentive for voluntary effort. Traditional professional freedom, self-determination and voluntary association of colleagues are guarded by this method of hospital conduct which is unique to the voluntary hospital system on this continent. Knowledge of the democratic process and of the motivation required to make it work well are essential for its preservation.

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