Open Access BASE2018

Retinoblastoma in Asia


Asia-Pacific region bears a significant global burden of retinoblastoma (RB), therefore understanding RB in Asia-Pacific region is important. Based on the year 2013 population estimates, 43% (3452 of 8099 children) of the global burden of RB lives in 6 countries of Asia-Pacific region: 1486 children in India, 1103 children in China, 277 children in Indonesia, 260 children in Pakistan, 184 children in Bangladesh, 142 children in Philippines. There exists a wide disparity, technological and socio-economical, within countries in this region resulting in a varied pattern of clinical presentation and survival varies. Challenges in developing nations are not just technological, but also social. Opportunities emerge for research to study and understand the socio-economical aspects of the disease to develop interventions that are relevant culturally and feasible economically. Possible steps include disease education and counselling, universal screening, highly subsidized/free of cost treatment for low socioeconomic strata, raising funds through the government and non-governmental organizations, sensitization and training of man-power in screening, diagnosis and treatment, and developing new specialized centers with tele-ophthalmology services.




Nature Publishing Group UK



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