Open Access BASE2017

Measuring the Quality of Life of People with Disabilities and their Families: Scoping Study Final Report

In: Davidson , G , Irvine , R , Corman , M , Kee , F , Kelly , B , Leavey , G & McNamee , C 2017 , Measuring the Quality of Life of People with Disabilities and their Families: Scoping Study Final Report . Department for Communities , Belfast .


The Scoping Study was initiated in response to the Programme for Government 2016-2021 indicator, 'Improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families'. The Disability Research Network was approached to assist the Department for Communities in the development of this indicator. The scoping study included 5 objectives: (1) To review the international literature on quality of life (QoL) measurements for people with disabilities and their families; (2) To develop recommendations for key definitions; (3) To assess existing and emerging data sources for potential use; (4) To develop recommendations for a preferred option; and (5) To test the recommended QoL measure.




Department for Communities

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