Open Access BASE2014

Quadruple culture type approaches impacting employees attributes


The study examines the relationship among organizational culture, employee performance, employee satisfaction and turnover in the telecommunication sector of Pakistan. Empirical studies are needed to understand the phenomena, so that the organizations would be able to handle the barriers in management objectives. It was a field study so survey was formed and conducted; data was gathered through distributed questionnaires from 260 employees of public & private, national and multinationals organizations from the cities of Rawalpindi-Islamabad. All the employees willingly participated in the survey though their confidentiality was in tacked. Interestingly the results of this specific investigation make this study unique and important as it indicated that organizational culture types Community, Innovative, Competitive and Bureaucratic on employee performance, satisfaction and turnover have different impacts. The study relies on cross-sectional data obtained once from employees of multiple multinationals and national organizations. The employees were from all three types of organizations i.e. service providers, contractors and sub-contractors. Regression tests were applied to analyze the data. . It leads to conclusion that employees are performing well, even being unsatisfied and want to remain with their current jobs. This study provides the knowledge that the results of the measures of same constructs cannot be same across different cultures and countries. With this study government and managers should realize the alarming situation in their organizations regarding employees' behaviors in sometimes unfeasible organizational cultures. The future studies should examine the political and economic constructs and their influence on organizational culture and employees. The present study wishes to contribute in the knowledge gap regarding how organizational culture is impacting employees' performance, satisfaction and turnover in telecommunication sector of Pakistan It also raises the importance for exploring and developing the theories on the basis of economic and political aspects rather perceiving single theory equally across different cultures.

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