Open Access BASE2019

And What if Developing Growth Were in its Very Nature Ever-Emergent? ; ¿Y si el desarrollo fuese una emergencia sistémica?


The paper suggests a hypothesis that could shake up the theory as much as the practice of how territorialdevelopment is understood. The author here holds that such development should be considered as an everburgeoning,multi-sourced permanent coming-into-being or emerging as within any complex territory's systematics.The idea runs quite contrary to that present day practice as to development policy and planningat any sub-national scale which is still grounded upon Lindblom's focus upon unconnected or disjointed increase.Were the hypothesis to get through the usual methodological filters, a call is urged for a radical retrainingof all and sundry in anyway involved in the afore-mentioned planning processes. It is here arguedthat they would need to make themselves at home with systems theories, neuronal synapsis, with multi-fedor synergetic concepts, with diffuse logic, with Time's irreversible essence, with chaos and the all the restof that which underlies burgeoning properties. In the wake of these changes of approach, the author feelsthat there would also be a need to thoroughly re-think bureaucratic structures and the way that the politicaland technical institutions charged with territorial issues went about their business. The idea of developments,it is here felt, needs to be reformulated taking complexity as the guiding paradigm for the taskand within a humanist and constructivist framework of reference. ; El autor plantea una hipótesis audaz que podría tener considerables impactos tanto en el pensamientoteórico como en la práctica del desarrollo territorial. Sostiene el autor que el desarrollo territorialdebe entenderse como una propiedad emergente, como una emergencia sistémica de un sistema territorialcomplejo y con elevada sinergía. Esta es una propuesta completamente opuesta a la práctica corriente de políticasy planes de fomento del desarrollo a escala subnacional, implícitamente basada todavía en un enfoquetipo «incrementalismo disjunto» de Lindblom. Si la hipótesis pasa los filtros metodológicos usuales, habríaque re-entrenar radicalmente a los responsables de estos procesos, familiarizándolos con la teoría desistemas, con la sinapsis neuronal, con la sinergía, con la lógica difusa, con la irreversibilidad temporal, conel caos, etc., con todo lo que aparece detrás de las propiedades emergentes, y habría que reformular tambiénen forma radical la estructura burocrática y el funcionamiento de los cuerpos políticos y técnicos que se desempeñanen el terreno. El desarrollo hay que re-escribirlo en el marco del paradigma de la complejidad, yen un marco humanista y constructivista como el usado por el autor.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana.

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