Open Access BASE2012

Alcohol and older people: the European project VINTAGE: good health into older age; design, methods and major results


Consum d'alcohol; Persones grans; Disseny de recerca ; Consumo de alcohol; Personas mayores; Diseño de investigación ; Alcohol drinking; Aged; Research design ; Objectives: The European project VINTAGE – Good Health Into Older Age aims at filling the knowledge gap and building capacity on alcohol and the elderly, encouraging evidence- and experience-based interventions. Methods: Systematic review of scientific literature on the impact of alcohol on older people; ad hoc survey and review of grey literature to collect EU examples of good practices for prevention; dissemination of findings to stakeholders involved in the field of alcohol, aging or public health in general. Results: Design and procedures of the VINTAGE project are described, providing also an outline of major results, with particular attention to those related to the dissemination activity. Conclusions: Much more information and research is needed. This issue should be part of both alcohol and healthy ageing policies. ; The VINTAGE project "Good Health into Older Age" is a project funded by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, under the European Commission Second Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health 2008-2013 (Grant Agreement no. 20081203).

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