Open Access BASE2021

An anthropological enquiry on the perceptions of adults on female sterilisation: a case of Gunguluza township


The purpose of the study was to make an enquiry on the perceptions on female sterilisation adult participants, residing in Gunguluza Township, Uitenhage had. A qualitative research approach was used to collect the responses of 10 participants. These included eight women, one man and one traditional healer registered within the Traditional Healers Association of South Africa. The interviews had been semistructured with open-ended questions pre-set to help the researcher guide the conversation. Conversation analysis was the technique used to transform the information into research data that would attempt to answer the research question. The question this research attempted to answer was to form an understanding of how information and education resources provided by both Western and Traditional sources, including their availability and accessibility with regards to female sterilisation, as a form of contraception, have been understood, received and interpreted by adults residing in the research area of Gunguluza township. Gunguluza forms part of the area formally known as the Kwanobuhle 10 and Kwanobuhle 11 respectively. Some limitations, including limiting resources that resulted in only 10 participants being interviewed. The results had shown that participants had shown interest in acquiring more knowledge about female sterilisation and other reproductive health issues, in order to make informed decisions about their bodies, with contraceptive choice and use in particular. Most felt the need to engage with their partners about the choice of sterilisation largely due to the support they would need. With regard to traditional health as an alternative or interchangeable method of contraception, participants had very little knowledge of, with some expressing some importance and relevance in acquiring such knowledge, in a modern context. These findings came with sets of recommendations which placed an emphasis on the building of indigenous knowledge and its inclusion in formal spaces for open engagement and discussion. Traditional knowledge needed to be transferred from an oral to being documented into literature for future preservation and to eliminate any distortion. There was a gap for formal western medicine to collaborate or accommodate traditional medicine. The study made use of female sterilisation as a conceptual framework, with time and more future research could build and produce new theoretical understandings of the concept, from an Afrocentric context in particular. ; Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Governmental and Social Sciences, 2021




Nelson Mandela University; Faculty of Humanities

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