Open Access BASE2015

The History of Onomastics in Slovenia ; Zgodovina imenoslovja v Sloveniji


The article is a systematic and exhaustive discussion on the history of onomastics in Slovenia, which is presented in the following chapters: Onomastic corpora, Linguistic treatment of proper names, The institutional status of onomastics, The status of onomastics in relation to other linguistic branches, The most important achievements in Slovenia, The biographies of the most prominent scientists (Franc Miklošič, Luka Pintar, Fran Ramovš, France Bezlaj), The most frequently applied onomastic theories in Slovenia, The typologies of proper names used, The research methods employed, and their evolution, The relation between the methods used in Slovenia and theoretical achievements of onomastics on a global scale, The unity of onomastic terminology, The relation to international terminology from 1983, The status of research - a general overview, The status of the research basis, Dictionaries and monographs. ; V razpravi je sistematsko in izčrpno (z zgledi in bibliografijo) obravnavana zgodovina onomastike v Sloveniji, in sicer v poglavjih Imenski korpusi, Jezikovna obravnava lastnih imen, Institucionalni položaj onomastike, Status onomastike v razmerju do drugih panog, Najpomembnejši dosežki Slovenije, Biogrami najvidnejših znanstvenikov (Franc Miklošič, Luka Pintar, Fran Ramovš, France Bezlaj), Ono-mastične teorije, ki so v Sloveniji najbolj uveljavljene, Uporabljene tipologije lastnih imen, Uporabljane raziskovalne metode in njihova evolucija, Razmerje med metodami v Sloveniji in teoretičnimi dosežki svetovne onomastike, Enotnost onomastične terminologije, Razmerje do mednarodne terminologije iz leta 1983, Stanje raziskav - splošno, Stanje raziskovalne baze, Slovarji in monografije.







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