Open Access BASE2018

Stress och trötthet


The purpose of this study was to develop a compilation of knowledge about the risk factors of stress and fatigue, and their importance for injuries in agriculture as a basis for preventive measures. The knowledge compilation was based on an extensive literature review and partly on analysis of previously conducted interviews with farmers who suffered accidents. In the literature review, both national and international studies were investigated with regard to the mentioned risk factors for injuries. Also examples of preventive measures applied to farmers were obtained. Documentation of projects was also sought through various industry magazines and websites. The Department of AEM possesses extensive data on injuries in agriculture and forestry in 2004 and 2013. From this data, 460 short stories were analyzed of what happened at the time of the injury and the cause of the injury in 2004. From the 2013 study, 242 stories were analyzed regarding the injury, but also about the measures taken by the farmer to prevent injuries. In addition, 75 band-recorded interviews were analyzed with the affected farmers with further information. In particular, the stories that indicated stress and fatigue as a cause of the injury were studied. The studies of occupational injuries in the Swedish agriculture show that injuries have decreased in absolute terms over the past 10 years. Taking into account the reduced labor requirements in agriculture or decrease in the number of farms in the same period, the number of injuries has not decreased. Farmers are exposed to various risks of injuries at work, such as handling animals (e.g. crushed or trampled by the animals), large machinery and vehicles (such as stuck in the machine, tractor injury) and in construction and repair work (e.g. fall from ladder). In addition to these hazardous conditions, the farmer is also exposed to a variety of stressors by e.g. heavy workload, time pressure, mechanical and technical failures, disease attacks, financial worries, dependent on the weather, government regulations, bureaucracy, working alone and family problems. The literature review showed that farmers who experienced a lot of stress were more likely to experience an accident in their work. Many farmers suffer from fatigue, sleep disorders and insomnia that is related to the high workload and stress they are exposed to, which can affect the ability to make decisions for dangerous situations and injuries as a result. Many of the farmers who suffered injuries in agriculture in Sweden also indicated stress, fatigue, sleepiness, carelessness or negligence as cause of the injuries. There are a lot of fact sheets and brochures with advice to farmers on how to deal with stress and fatigue by example to take breaks, exercise regularly, eat healthy foods and avoid alcohol. Several interventions and programs have been implemented with regard to the prevention of occupational injuries in agriculture. Some studies showed positive results, while most others gave very limited evidence that interventions were effective in reducing agricultural injuries. There is a need for more accurate evaluations of intervention programs for safety in agriculture.

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