Open Access BASE2021

Hasan bin Sabbah dan Gerakan Pembaharuan (Da'wah Jadidah) Syiah Isma'iliyah Abad XI Masehi


This article discusses the theological renewal initiated with Hasan bin Sabbah in the teachings of Syiah Isma'iliyah after the internal conflict of the Fatimiyah Dynasty. Hasan bin Sabbah with his Assassin Sect revitalises extremely the Isma'iliyah propaganda to streghthen the charisma of Isma'iliyah in Persia. The theological renewal (da'wah jadidah) in Isma'iliyah doctrin was a manifestation of Hasan bin Sabbah's rejection to the legitimacy of the Abbasid and Seljuq leadership and the Fatimiyah Dynasty. This research is a library research which uses historical analysis methods which include heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. This research found the results (1) The existence of differences in political interests with the old Isma'iliyah tradition encouraged Hasan bin Sabbah to carry out reforms (tajdid) to break political and cultural relations with the Isma'iliyah Fatimiyah association in Egypt. (2) The reformation carried out by Hasan bin Sabbah in Isma'iliyah theology includes the teachings of ta'limiyyah, the Nizar priesthood, 'ilm zahir dan batin in Islamic teachings, at-ta'wil al-batini, taqiyyah which constructs the extreme character of the Assassin movement, and the continuity of imam mastur.[Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis pembaharuan ajaran Hasan bin Sabbah dalam doktrin Syiah Isma'iliyah pasca konflik internal Dinasti Fatimiyah. Hasan bin Sabbah dengan Sekte Assassinnya merevitalisasi propaganda Isma'iliyah secara ekstrim untuk memulihkan kekuatan neo-Isma'iliyah di Persia. Pembaharuan teologis (da'wah jadidah) dalam doktrin Isma'iliyah merupakan manisfetasi penolakan Hasan atas keabsahan kepemimpinan Dinasti Abbasiyah dan Saljuk serta Dinasti Fatimiyah Mesir. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian pustaka (library research) yang menggunakan metode analisis historis yang meliputi heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil (1) Adanya perbedaan kepentingan politik dengan tradisi Isma'iliyah lama mendorong Hasan bin Sabbah melakukan ...

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