Open Access BASE2016

Соціально-педагогічний вимір поняття «права людини в Інтернеті» ; Social-Pedagogical Dimension оf the "Human Rights оn the Internet" Concept


У даній статті досліджено формування поняття «права людини онлайн» у документах міжнародних організації, працях закордонних та вітчизняних науковців. Зазначено, що поняття «права людини» зазнали впливу Інтернету та можуть реалізовуватися й порушуватися онлайн. Звертається увага на те, що поняттю прав дітей в Інтернеті приділяється особлива увага та визнано, що дана тема тісно пов'язана з безпечною поведінкою дітей в Інтернеті. У статті наводяться приклади національних та міжнародних механізмів захисту прав, що порушені в Інтернеті. Автор доходить висновку, що саме соціальний педагог у межах соціально-правового виховання дитини може висвітлювати тему прав людини в Інтернеті. ; In the article the development of concept "human rights online" has been analyzed. The author reviewed the documents of the international organizations, foreign and national scientific researches. Analyzing speeches, guidelines, thesises, policy papers the author underlines that the concept of "human rights online" discussed more often as on international as on national level. The Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet, Recommendation of the OECD Council report on risks faced by children online and policies to protect them, Guidelines for Industry on Child Online Protection and other guidelines of ITU have been discovered in the article. One of the leading documents for member states of the Council of Europe is Guide to human rights for internet users. The guide provides information on rights and freedoms meaning in the context of the Internet, on how they can be relied and acted upon, as well as how access remedies. It is an evolving document and it is opened to periodic updating. Children's rights on the Internet received special attention and recognition by different organizations and researchers according to this article. Also the author emphasizes on the fact that this issue is closely linked to the children's safe behavior online. This article provides examples of the national and international protection mechanisms for the human rights violated in the Internet. The cases of Court of Justice of the European Union, European Court of Human Rights were described. Examples of Ukrainian law and justice also are given in the article. The author concludes that social pedagogues may cover the topic of human rights in the Internet within the social and legal education of children. First of all social pedagogue can use at list two resources running educational activities for children: online course on human rights online and the manual "Human rights in the internet" which have been elaborated within the project supported by the Joint Programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Strengthening the Information Society in Ukraine". These are educational tools which are based on the "Guide to human rights for internet users" (Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe).

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